Welcome to the Tartan Army Home Pages (for those not well versed in these matters that is the band of roving football fans who travel regularly to watch the Scotland National Football Team, both in Scotland and abroad). These pages have no connection with the Scottish Football Association and any views expressed are not necessarily the same as those of the SFA. The pages are split into several sections covering a range of topics interesting (some perhaps not) to Scotland fans.
visit the shop @eBay.co.uk for some great Scotland merchandise
Yet more items are now available from the Tartan Army Home Pages Shop. This includes Saltire/France pin badges, pheasant feathers and some new sunglasses styles. Still available are other novelty sunglasses, Polo Shirts, T-Shirts, Pin Badges, Sew on Patches, Kilt Pins, Key Rings, Scarves, Scottish passport covers, hats and flags.
You can preview the items on sale on the shop page or you can order directly from eBay shop.
The new catalogue and order forms are now available in both MS Word (420Kb) and PDF (500Kb).
The Coming Fixtures Page and the Past Results Page are now updated.
Since September 2001, there is now a new Tartan Army Message Board at www.tartanarmyboard.co.uk
Click here to contact the .
www.scotlandia.com - sarajevo tartan army - macmirza
visit the shop @eBay.co.uk for some great Scotland merchandise
Some TA On-Tour in The Netherlands, 2000
visit the shop @eBay.co.uk for some great Scotland merchandise
If you are in Paris, why not visit the Pure Malt Scottish Bar where you will find a wide array of Whisky, beer and even Irn Bru! It's run by Tartan Army regulars who will give a warm welcome to all Jocks, whether passing through. It's located in Rue Carron which is on the edge of the Marais district (full details of how to get there are listed on their site).
For more info, go to the Pure Malt web-site. The Auld Alliance pub is in the same neighborhood and is run by the same management and is about 150m away.
Patriotic Music ... can be heard if you click on the link.
Copyright Notice: The information on this page may not be re-used or published elsewhere without prior authorisation from the TAHPs or the original authors of specific articles.
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www.scotlandia.com - sarajevo tartan army - macmirza