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Scotland Supporters Clubs

This page contains details of some known tartan army clubs and associations. If you want your club or group listed here, send an to the TAHPs.

The known TA clubs listed along with any web-site and e-mail contact details available. The end of the page identifies a number of general Tartan Army web resources and also gives some information aboutthe Tartan Army E-Mail Discussion List. The entires are as follows:

ETA - Edinburgh Tartan Army
Lunnain Albannaich (Scotland Supporters in London)
NOSTA - North of Scotland Tartan Army
WESTA - West of Scotland Tartan Army
PTA - Perthshire Tartan Army
Lochlann - Lochlann Albanniach
EASTA - East of Scotland Tartan Army
WWTA - William Wallace Tartan Army (Ayrshire)
HTA - Highland Tartan Army
DTA - Dutch Tartan Army and
ATA - Alternative Tartan Army !?
FARTA - Far East Tartan Army
OTAs - Other Tartan Armies
Other TA Internet Links (many) - Various Other Tartan Army Internet Links Tartan Army E-Mail List - Information regarding the Tartan Army E-Mail List

Any Missing
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The Edinburgh Tartan Army (ETA)

Although the Edinburgh Tartan Army was founded by Captial residents Tartan Army troops, we welcome members from everywhere and we do have several members who live in far flung parts including Gothenberg, Stockholm, Chippenham, Australia!, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen, Fife and even Glasgow!

As stated in the constitution, the object of the Club is to support Scotland where ever and when ever they play and since our inaugural meeting, members of ETA have been in attendance at all Scotland games. Members are given a Club t-shirt on joining and receive our periodical newsletter +Just One Chance+. We organise group travel, tickets and accommodation for away games and home games where required (eg. Pittodrie last year). Members are offered free buses for home games. We have also been able to offer members free accommodation and tickets for special social events held by the Club which have included a visit to a Tartan Army play in the 1997 Glasgow Mayfest, our celebration party after the Latvia game and our Hogmanay in the Rock Cafe on Edinburgh's Princes Street.

ETA do not hold regular monthly meetings. However, meetings are arranged on an infrequent basis. There are 3 regular social functions per year, a Burns night, Summer party & St. Andrews night. ETA are also represented by their own football team in the annual Tartan Army football tournament. Main club communication is through an irregular newsletter, posted to members.

To join ETA costs a one off fee of £10 and monthly standing-order of £3 which entitles members to free buses to home games & potentially subsidised match tickets for games as funds permit. For joining instructions / other information, send an E-Mail to the or leave a voice message on the message service number, 0703-115-1171. More laterly, the preferred e-mail address for ETA seems to have become . The web-site is now up and running and is found on
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Lunnain Albannaich - The London Scottish Football Supporters Club

Loony Alba Logo

The Lunniann Alba Supporters Club are an independant club for followers of the Scottish National Football team, who are exiled from Scotland, primarily in London (Lunnainn Alba being Scots Gaelic for London Scotland) and the South East of England, but with members throughout the world.

The club evolved as follows : During the European Championships in 1992 in Sweden, three Scottish football supporters, who had met up in one of Gothenburgs finest hostelries, discovered that not only did they share a common love of Football and of the Scottish National teams fortunes in particular, but that they were all exiled Scots living in the Greater London area. Addresses and telephone numbers were exchanged with the intention of getting together for a beer or two. Finally, in May 1993 the decision was taken to put things on an official footing and form a Supporters Club.

From the initial membership of eight, the club had grown by leaps and bounds since its inception, with membership of over one hundred full and associate members.

With an initial catchment area of Greater London, members who have been recruited both at home and abroad come from all parts of the globe, except Scotland. Membership is only open to exiled Scots. The clubs members represent all walks of life from Barristers, Accountants and Surveyors to Publicans, Policemen and the unemployed, and all ages too.

The club holds monthly meetings and other social events and tries to provide the infamously invisible Scottish community in London with a focal point. A monthly newsletter, containing opinion, gossip and news is produced. Members regularly travel to all Scotland fixtures, both home and away and we continue to organise where possible budget travel for members.

A joining fee of £5 and a yearly membership fee of 10 GBP is charged. If you are interested in finding out more about Lunnainn Alba or to join them, contact using this link or have a look at the web site using this Loony Alba link. There, you can find further information as well as order club t-shirts and hear about meetings and organised travel.
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NOSTA - North Of Scotland Tartan Army

NOSTA (link to NOSTA site) was formed in late 1997 and has grown significantly in numbers since then. They intend to run buses to all home games and are normally represented on all away trips. NOSTA members are predominantly from the Aberdeen area, although we have a number of people from Peterhead, Stonehaven and even some from Shetland. (Sheep Shaggers Utd was even considered as a club name!)

If anyone is interested in joining the club membership is £10 and there is a Standing order of £5 a month. This allows the running of free buses for members to all qualifying games and organise other social events.

Contacts :
Contact using e-mail to Ally MacIver
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WESTA - West of Scotland Tartan Army

Founded in January 1997, the West Of Scotland Tartan Army has progressed at an alarming rate. There are well over 100 members. They meet in the basement of the Iron Horse bar in Glasgow on the last Sunday of each month. All Scotland home games held in Glasgow will be hosted by WESTA and all associated clubs and guests are welcome to join before and after the game.

A coach will be organised for all home games that take place outwith Glasgow. Exclusive T-shirts will be available for each match in our European Championship and World Cup campaigns.

Membership is from January to January and, at present, £5 gives you membership of the club. A regular newsletter is distributed to members.

WESTA is recognised by the SFA and both the Security Advisor and Travel Club organiser have attended our meetings. the have their own web-site, giving some useful infomation about the club.

For further information contact Tommy Madden (0141 770 6669), Craig McKechnie (0141 336 7699), Greg Kain (0141 948 0442), Jimmy Cormack (01389 763 795) or contact Andy McArthur by E-Mail by or Scott Crawford by .

The ultimate aim of the club is to use their numbers to exclusively book or charter transport to away games. Join now - be fast don't be last!
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PTA - Perthshire Tartan Army

The Perthshire TA has a growning membership and conmsists of members from Perth and its environs. Contact person is John Kaylor . Meetings are held at the Jeanfield Social Club in Perth. A regular club newsletter is produced and distributed to members.
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Lochlann Albannaich (Scandinavian Tartan Army)

Lochlann members are from Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland. Main contacts are: Tam McTurk () for Denmark, Lars Hallgreen - alias Sgt Sponge () for Norway, Steve Crockatt () and Davie MacDonald ( or ) for Sweden. No regular meetings are held. The Lochlann Albannaich web-site is on
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EASTA - East of Scotland Tartan Army

Contact person is Tam Ferry who is available by e-mail on . Club Secretary, is Simon aka "Chewy", 01382-400095 or by email at .

EASTA Membership is centred on Dundee/Angus/North Fife. The club was formed in Jan 2000. Objective: To support the Scottish National Football Team, wherever they play and to return home with roughly the same number of the people that they left with! Joining fee is £10 and monthly dues of £4 (you get a Club T-shirt, membership card and regular newsletter). Clubs funds should support running free buses for members to home matches and occasional subsidised social events.

The EASTA Home Page is at or now also available on
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WWTA - William Wallace Tartan Army

Contact person is (Red) Bill Austin who is available by e-mail on or Lorraine on .

Based in Burns country, WWTA members attend all Scotland matches. They meet in the Pandora bar in Glasgow before matches at Hampden or other Glasgow venues.

The WWTA also have their own web-site which is hosted at
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HTA - Highland Tartan Army

HTA (not to be confused with NOSTA!) are based around the Inverness area and comprise fans from all over the general Highland area. Members come from "Lochinver to Invergordon, Helmsdale to Dunkeld and from Fife to Keith". Meetings take place every couple of months at Chieftan Hotel in Inverness (also, busses leave from there to all home games). A regular club newsletter are prepared. More information from Dougall McDougall (01463-224948)or contact by e-mail to HTA - Highland Tartan Army Craig MacLean on .
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DTA - Dutch Tartan Army

The 'Dutch Tartan Army' can be found in a small Dutch holiday town called Valkenberg (it is about 10 Kms Maastricht in Southern Holland) and can only be described as a bunch of totally mad bastards. The HQ is a bar by the name of the Queen Victoria (slightly unfortunate name however) which is run by Neville, a Scottish chap from Motherwell. The bar itself is decked out with all sorts of Scottish garb (bagpipes, match programmes, tickets, etc.) and all Tartan Army footsoldiers passing by are gauranteed a good welcome and a decent selection of Scottish beers. However, beware of Nevilles curries, they have a reputation for strength.

They number approximately about twenty fans and have a presence at away games in the qualifying games and are more than ready to act as a potential staging post for fans in Euro 2000 which takes place in Belgium and Holland. They are hoping to expand and take on fans from all over the Netherlands as people get to hear more about them.

Everyone is welcome to join and the only stipulation was that you also have to be a SCOTLAND Travel Club member.

DTA Membership costs DFL.25,- per year (which includes a DTA T-shirt). For more information, contact Neville Pinchbeck or Peter Wheeler (the Club Secretary) c/o the Queen Victoria, Plenkertstraat 11, 6301 GK VALKENBURG, Limburg, The Netherlands.

The DTA have their own web-site which can be located at either: or at the newer address of
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ATA - Alternative Tartan Army

The little known ATA is a group of about a dozen individuals who go to places when on tour which are 'off the beaten track'. Their main goal is to search out mayhem and frivality. They enjoy the TA around game time but other than that they try to check out other sights ! They consist of a range of nutters from various far flung places (identities are withheld and membership is select) !
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FARTA - Far East Tartan Army

Regular fans and

OTAs - Other Tartan Armies

A range of other tartan army clubs are in exsitence:

Tallinn Tartan Army hail from Estonia where a number of Scots have settled. Contact: Chris MacLean at . Meeting point is Molly Malones bar, Tallinn.

LTA - Luxembourg Tartan Army travel to some matches. Contact by e-mail for more information. Meeting point is the Pygmalion Irish Pub, Luxembourg. This is found in the valley, in the old town of Luxembourg (in Clausen). LTA web-site:

Hand of God Squad (Borders, based in Peebles). Contact by e-mail for more info. Meeting point is the Green Tree Hotel.

TAP - Tartan Army de Paris also exists. Find them at The Pure Malt bar ( in Rue Caron, Paris 75004 (tel: 42-72-90-40). The Auld Alliance pub is fairly closeby as well.

The Tap Shop Tartan Army. Some lads from the Mid Calder Inn in West Lothian have started a small TA club and have a band of travellers. They have a web-page with some information about themselves on it at Contact Craig at for more information.

Armadale Sons of Wallace. The Armadale Sons Of Wallace (a sort of mid Scotland TA branch) are now on-line at We are reliably informed that they will be running a bus to the 2002 World Cup finals and that bookings are now being taken! Contact person is Chris Dunne who is on e-mail at .

GERTA (German Tartan Army). A German guy, Ulli Weigmann from Frankfurt, and a small band of friends, have been to a considerable number of Scotland matches over more than 10 years (e.g. Sweden '92), etc. They have made a small web-page and both Germans and Scots in Germany and other neighbouring States with an interest in following Scotland are welcome to get in touch with them. The Web-Site URL is at Ulli can be contacted by e-mail on . Further updates are planned to this site.

ANZTA (Australia and New Zealand Tartan Army). A couple of guys down under Ross () and Davie () are the main contacts. They now have a web-site hosted at

Cambeltown Tartan Army. A regular bunch undertake TA activities and travel from their base in Cambeltown. Find out more about them at E-mail contact is .

Vancouver Tartan Army (VATA). One wing of the Canadian TA is based in Vancouver. Find out more about them at E-mail contact (and club chairman) is . There are lots of pictures of their 20+ members.

New York City Tartan Army. Also known as EVTA (East Village Tartan Army), a some of the lads in New York are remarkably regular travellers to Scotland matches, considering the distances involved. The NYC-TA will give you more information about them and their travels. Contact is .

LOBTA - Land O' Burns Tartan Army. LOBTA (Land O` Burns Tartan Army) hail from North Ayrshire. They are based in sunny (aye right!) Saltcoats, covering Largs to Kilwinning / Irvine and Garnock Valley. Contact LOBTA using this .

Sporran Legion (West Lothian). You can find the West Lothian (Seafield) based Sporran Legion on-line using this Link to their web-site. Based at the Seasfield Arms Hotel and the contact is .

Airdrie Tartan Army. The Airdrie Tartan Army are now on-line at and the contact is Scott Rae who can be e-mailed on (does that address mean "mad as a fish" or in Glasgow slang, "ma' da's a fish"?).

Netley Abbey Tartan Army. The England based Netley Tartan Army (near Southampton) are now on-line at and the contact is Paul who can be e-mailed on .

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Various Other Tartan Army Internet Resources

The following list identifies a few links for some of the various Tartan Army web sites that are appearing all the time.

Official SFA Web-Site
The SFA are of course now On-Line. Their web site at was considerably revamped and extended in late 1999.
An interesting feature is a searchable archive of information about Scotland international matches. They say they are still building the database and it currently spans 1970 to 2000 but& "This database will continue to grow, eventually stretching right back to the first international in 1872". It includes team lists from most of the games (with captain), attendance, match referee, H/T & F/T. It also shows yellow and red cards picked up in each game but this is mostly incomplete.
Other sections include forthcoming international fixtures, current international squad(s) information and player stats, latest news (reasonably well updated). There is the obligatory link to sponsors such as Scottish Gas, lists of dodgy Scottish referees, coaching, affiliates, the museum at Hampden and some SFA publications.
The publications bit is not that extensive and is basically a scan of each separate page of the annual report scanned in as a graphic - no attempt to provide the file in .PDF format or similar!!
The site also gives information about the Scotland Travel Club and takes its first tottering step towards the modern age - you can get an STC application form on-line! Sadly however, the technology stops there, you have to print the form out, fill it in manually and post it to the SFA along with your cheque!
The SFA site is still developing. They have intentions for further improvements - so keep an eye on it.

Simons Scotland Pages
Match reports and pictures from Scotlands matches over the past few years can be found at Some highly amusing fetures include the "Chic Young montage", pissing on the England flag, compromising photos from several away trips, etc.

Scottish International Football Archive
Find an archive of many Scotland International results at (- a university in Canada!).

Wembley Park (England) site
Strange to list an England site here but these lads appear to have a sense of humour and can see the funny side of being a footbal supporter. Link to it through (well worth a visit!!).

Ezzys Scotland pages
A footsoldier named Ezzy has also put some pictures of some trips and some other Scotland info on-line. Ezzys pages are found at You can also link to a good (and quite active) Tartan Army message board from this site.

Steven's Tartan Army Page
Scotland fan Steven and his mates from Dalkeith travel to some Scotland matches and have put some information onto the net. There is even a report on the 'Mandatory pubic hair burning' contest. The site is at Contact Steven directly for more information at .

Super-scoreboard Gallery Stolen TA images on this page (from other TA web-sites!) which is aiming to build a gallery of Tartan Army images. They are inviting people to send images in.

Tartan Army 'goalposts'
Tartan Army 'goalposts' wallpaper is available from

Scottish International and Domestic Football
Basic TA web-site with some results and other information from the past 6 or 7 years. Further updates are promised. Go to:

Bosnian Fan of the Tartan Army.
Mirza the Bosnian from Sarajevo has made his own Tartan Army tribute web-site. He made friends with some of the TA during the 1999 visit to Sarajevo. His Scotland and TA web-site is at Loads of pictures are provided on this web-site. Besides that, he recently started a new web site - sarajevo tartan army

Tartan Army Message Board
A TA "Message Board" forum was set up in Mid-2000 and very quickly became a popular resource with regular and up to date traffic and discussions. Point your browser to where you will find 2 dedicated TA forums, one for general issues and one for travel issues.

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Tartan Army E-Mail List

There has been a Tartan Army E-mail discussion list operating since 1996 and its membership has grown to well over 100 members with the growth of the Internet since then. The list is based on the free list server at and discussion is quite open about Scotland, travelling, the team, etc. Message volume varies between 15 and 30 messages per day, depending on issues of the moment and forthcoming trips. Digest option (1 message per day) is also available.

The list is loosely administrated by and . Both people can authorise new members onto the list and other administrative actions as necessary. The only pre-requisite is that list members are regular TA travellers and that they are not members of the press. If mailing to request that you are added to the list, mention the TA club that you are a member of or mention someone you know that is already on the list.

Only list members are allowed to post to the list. This prevents SPAM problems and other privacy issues affecting the list.

An MS Word format list FAQ is also available from by e-mail on request.
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