The Tartan Army Home Pages

Merchandise for Scotland Supporters - also available from eBay shop

Click to visit The Craigie Brown Scottish Store @ eBay

The range of Scotland / Tartan Army related goods available through the Tartan Army Home Pages is shown on this page. Orders and payments should be sent by post with a sterling cheque, postal order or international money order. Please note that UK banks no longer accept Eurocheques. All items are stock items unless otherwise stated and will normally be dispatched within 1 week of receipt of order.

The catalogue and order form are also available for download in both MS Word and PDF formats (if you don't have Adobe Acrobat PDF reader, it can be downloaded free of charge at the Adobe web site). The available files are:

Catalogue and Order Form - MS Word (420Kb)
Catalogue and Order Form - PDF (513Kb)

Order Form only - MS Word (48Kb)
Order Form only - PDF (146Kb)

If you are not ordering using the downloadable forms, an html format order is still maintained here which can be printed and completed by hand to place your order.

Finally, you can order directly from eBay shop.

visit the shop for some great Scotland merchandise

Click to visit The Craigie Brown Scottish Store @ eBay

For all items listed on this page, the cost includes postage and packing charges to UK addresses. Additional postage costs apply for non-UK European addresses and "Rest of the World" addresses.

Scroll through the page or jump directly to view the items of choice using the quick links below:

Polo Shirts and T-Shirts - Quality polo-shirts and t-shirts with Scotland "Thistle" Logo
Scottish Theme 'Saltire'Sunglasses - 3 styles of Scotland Saltire sunglasses (and Saltire/Belgian flag variety)
Hats - Tartan, saltire and musical Jimmy hats, baseball caps and 'The Big Bunnet'.
Badges and Patches A range of Scottish / Scotland Pin Badges and sew-on patches
Kilt Pins and Key Rings - Saltire leather key rings and stone inlaid kilt pin
Scottish Passport Holders - Scottish leather passport cover
Flags - Saltire flag, with eyelets, 5ft by 3ft.
Pheasant Feathers - Batches of 5 pheasant features (good for the Glengarry).
Ordering Information

You can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

T-Shirts and Polo Shirts

"Scotland" Polo Shirts and T-Shirts available. The 'Scotland' T-Shirts and Polo shirts are in a 'spill friendly' navy blue and are available in sizes M, L or XL. The base shirts used are high quality Fruit of the Loom / Sports Stars shirts (100% Cotton and hard wearing).

Scotland Polo Shirt - Front Graphic
Image of Polo Shirt, Front on

The main design is a thistle logo with the word Scotland below it (the logo size is approx. 4" by 4"). The logo is embroidered, not printed.

Scotland Polo Shirt - Logo Graphic
Example of Polo Shirt, Close Up of Embroidered Logo

T-shirts are £8.50 and Polo Shirts £12 (including UK P&P). For European addresses outside the UK, add £1 per t-shirt or polo shirt or for 'Rest of World' addresses, add £2 per shirt to cover additional postage costs.

Scotland Polo Shirt - Logo + Collar Graphic
Example of Polo Shirt, Logo and Collar

Additional text could be added around the logo (also embroidered) or on the sleeves, with, for example, the name of a supporters club on it (min 12 shirts). Also, using other club logos is possible (although an initiation charge will apply). For more information on this, send e-mail to the , giving an indication of your requirements.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Saltire Sunglasses

The "Spekkles" novelty sunglasses are now commonplace at both club and international level today. There are 3 different styles through the Tartan Army Home Pages: standard Saltire (St Andrews Cross) on each lens, a saltire on one lens with the text 'Tartan Army' on another or the Saltire 'Bonnie Scotland' variety.

Saltire Sunglasses
Glasses 01. Sunglasses, Saltire lenses (both)

Saltire and Tartan Army Sunglasses
Glasses 02. Sunglasses, Saltire lens and 'Tartan Army' lens

Bonnie Scotland Sunglasses
Glasses 03. Sunglasses, Saltire lens with "Bonnie Scotland" text.

Sunglasses are £6.50 per pair (including UK P&P).

For addresses on mainland Europe, add £0.25 per pair and for 'Rest of World' addresses, add £0.35 per pair to cover additional postage costs.

Special price of £15.00 if buying 3 pairs - any styles.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

visit the shop for some great Scotland merchandise

"See You Jimmy" and other hats

"See you Jimmy" and "Scotland" hats are available.

See You Jimmy hat - Royal Stewart tartan
Hat 01. See you Jimmy hat - Royal Stewart Tartan
Price £3.00 (incl. postage)

See You Jimmy hat - St Andrews Cross
Hat 02. See you Jimmy hat - StAndrews Cross
Price £3.00 (incl. UK postage)

See You Jimmy hat - Royal Stewart Tartan - Musical
Hat 03. See you Jimmy hat - Royal Stewart Tartan - MUSICAL
Price £5.00 (incl. UK postage)

Baseball Cap, Black Watch Tartan, Scotland logo
Hat 04. Baseball Cap - Black Watch Tartan, Scotland text with Thistle Logo
Price £6.00 (incl. UK postage)

Ridiculous Tammy with Pheasant feathers
Hat 05. The 'Big Bunnet' (aka Ridiculous Tartan Tammy is available in Royal Stewart Tartan or Black Watch Tartan. The hats are made from good quality tartan material and the interior is stiffened with a special fabric to prevent the hats from 'floping down'. Diameter of the hats is approximately 60cm. Includes 2 pheasant feathers, bound together which fit into a specially designed elastic loop in the headband. The hat and feathers are posted in a solid protective mailing tube. The tammies have been designed and made by a craft workshop in the Scottish borders.
Price £16.00 (incl. UK postage)

For all hats to be sent outside the UK, postage of £0.50 per hat should be added for mainland Europe, and £0.75 for 'Rest of World' addresses.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Pin Badges and Patches

A range of badges, patches, key rings and other items are available. The badges and patches are available singly or in batches of 5 (they are quite popular for handing out as small gifts to locals when on away trips).

Pin Badge 01 Graphic
Pin Badge 01. Badge, Saltire Large, with 'Scotland' text below.

Pin Badge 02 Graphic
Pin Badge 02. Badge, Crest Thistle Small, with 'Scotland' text above.

Pin Badge 03 Graphic
Pin Badge 03. Badge, Shield Scotland / Thistle, with 'Scotland' text above.

Pin Badge 04 Graphic
Pin Badge 04. Badge, Cut Out Thistle, with text 'Flower of Scotland' below

Pin Badge 05 Graphic
Pin Badge 05. Badge, Open Crest Thistle Large.

Pin Badge 06 Graphic
Pin Badge 06. Badge, Saltire, with text 'Scotland Forever' around.

Pin Badge 07 Graphic
Pin Badge 07. Badge, Cut Out Thistle, Gilt

Pin Badge 08 Graphic
Pin Badge 08. Badge, Saltire, Heart of Scotland, Heart Shaped.

Pin Badge 09 Graphic
Pin Badge 09. Badge, shield, with text 'Bonnie Scotland' (lion rampant on Saltire in middle).

Pin Badge 10 Graphic
Pin Badge 10. Badge, Dual Flag, Thistle / Saltire.

Pin Badge 11 Graphic
Pin Badge 11. Badge, Large Saltire, flag shaped

Pin Badge 12 Graphic
Pin Badge 12. French Flag / Saltire flags

Embroidered Patch 01 Graphic
Embroidered Patch 01. Dual Flag, Thistle / Saltire.

Embroidered Patch 02 Graphic
Embroidered Patch 02. Saltire with text 'Scotland' above.

Individual Pin Badges are priced at £2.00 each and Patches at £2.25 each (incl. UK P&P). Add £0.25 per badge or patch to mainland European addresses and £0.35 for 'Rest of World' addresses to cover additional postage costs.

A special price of £8.50 is available for 'batches' of 5 badges and/or patches. Add £0.75 per 'batch' to mainland European addresses and £1.00 for 'Rest of World' addresses.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Key Rings and Kilt Pins

There are leather fobbed Saltire Key Rings and a choice of kilt pins available (for the serial 'Kilt Pin losers').

Saltire Key Ring 01 Graphic
Saltire Key Ring 01. Leather key fob with enamelled Saltire shield attached. Price £2.50, incl. UK P&P

Thistle With Stone Embedded Kilt Pin 01 Graphic
Thistle with Embedded Stone - Kilt Pin 01. Length 8cm. Price £6.00, incl. UK P&P.

Thistle With Small Stone Embedded Kilt Pin 02 Graphic
Thistle with small stone - Kilt Pin 02. Length 8cm. Comes in presentation case. Price £10.00, incl. UK P&P.

Plain Silver Thistle Kilt Pin 03 Graphic
Plain Silver Thistle - Kilt Pin 03. Length 8cm. Comes in presentation case. Price £10.00, incl. UK P&P.

Add £0.40p for mainland European addresses or £0.75p for Rest of World addresses for each key ring or kilt pin ordered.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Scottish Passport Holder / Cover

These leather covers are designed to fit the new European Passports (purple). The cover is hard with leather coating and says "Scottish Passport Holder" with a saltire and an image of a thistle and a lion rampant. A strap inside the holder holds your passport in. There are two styles available, a plain interior or with a black and white picture of Robert Burns and a poem facing it.

Outside Cover for Scottish Passport Holder
Outside Cover for Scottish Passport Holder

Inside Cover - Plain - Scottish Passport Holder
Inside Cover - Plain - Scottish Passport Holder

Inside Cover - Burns - Scottish Passport Holder
Inside Cover - Burns - Scottish Passport Holder

Scottish Passport Holder Individual Price is £4.00, including P&P to a UK address (add £0.50p to mainland Europe or £0.75p a 'Rest of World' address). Please state on the order form if the Rabbie Burns or the plain interior is required.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

"St Andrews Cross" Saltire flags

The saltire flags cost £7.00 each and are 5ft by 3ft in size. They have metal eyelets (so can be flown) and are quite a suitable size for 'wearing' on the way to the stadium.

St Andrews Cross Flag (5ft by 3ft)
Flag 01. St Andrews Cross Flag - 5ft by 3ft
Price £7.00 incl. UK postage

For flags to be sent outside the UK, postage of £0.50 per flag should be added for mainland Europe, and £0.75 for 'Rest of World' addresses.

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version.

Also, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Pheasant Feathers

Pheasant Feathers are available in batches of 5 feathers. They cost £6.50 for 5 and this includes postage and a solid protective cardboard posting tube. Good for wearing with the Glengarry when on tour!

For feathers to be sent outside the UK, postage of £0.50 per batch of 5 should be added for mainland Europe, and £1.00 for 'Rest of World' addresses.

Future Items

Any suggestions for further items that you would like to see available through the TAHPs are most welcome. Drop them in an e-mail to the .

The famous Lunnainn Albannaich (London Scotland) supporters club t-shirts are also available. They cost £10 + £1.50 p&p within the UK. Send an to check current availability. Styles include: 'Tartan Exiles', 'Scotlands Players of the Year', 'Scotlands Managers of the Year', etc.

You can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

Ordering Information

If you have decided what you want, download and print the MS Word or PDF order form or click onto the HTML version. This should be printed onto your local printer. Mark the items you wish to order and calculate the total cost. Prepare a sterling cheque or postal order or international money order for the amount of the order and send the form and your payment to the address below. Note that UK banks will no longer accept Eurocheques.

Of course, you can order directly from eBay shop and pay by using your credit card via PayPal.

UK Sterling cheque, postal order or international money order (but not eurocheque) should be made payabable to the "Tartan Army Home Pages" and posted to Tartan Army Home Pages, PO Box 353, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3HN, United Kingdom.

Click to send an e-mail with any queries to the
or go back up to the Main Page.